Monthly Events
Please find below our list of events:
Grandhouse Gala Event
Screening of documentary premier Stand Together As One with film director Chip Duncan. The documentary chronicles the historic events surrounding the 1983-85 famine in northern Ethiopia. Venue: Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Grandhouse pre-Christmas Cheer Cocktail Party with a musical concert. Venue: Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Grandhouse Tea Session with Ambassador László Szabó, Leader of the Hungarian Innovation Hub. Presentation topic: 'Startup Ecosystem and Innovation in Hungary.' Venue: Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Guided tour and reception at the Karolyi-Csekonics Palace of the Karoli Gaspar University.
Grandhouse Tea Session in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with Gábor Zupko, the Head of Representation of the European Commission in Hungary. The topic of the presentation is European Union challenges and possible answers ('Az Europai Unió előtt álló kihívások és lehetséges válaszok')
Grandhouse Tea Session in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences will be hosted to invite Professor Peter Akos Bod as a guest speaker. Mr Bod is a well-known and highly regarded authority in the Hungarian economy, he served as Minister of Industry and Trade, and as Governor of the Hungarian National Bank
'Lajos Sárközy and the Budapest Strings' concert at Liszt Ferenc Music Academy with club memebrs aperitif gathering at one of the most classic Budapest bistros - Café Vian.
Business dinner with with H.E. Jeroen Vergeylen, Ambassador of Belgium to Hungary. The event was followed by the Annual General Meeting of Grandhouse International Club
Gala Dinner at Hungarian Academy of Science to honour the farewell for Dr. Albert Royaards, Founding and Honorary President of the Club
November 21
Tea Session at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Speaker: Colonel Douglas Daniel, US Army (Retired). Title of presentation: "The War in Ukraine: Analysis and Lessons".
October 26
Tea Session in Marriott Hotel. Speaker: Mr Róbert Pinter, Assistant Professor at the Corvinus University of Budapest. Title of Presentation: „Will robots take our jobs? Possible drastic social and economic consequences of artificial intelligence – Part 2”.
September 15
Grandhouse lunch in the Hungarian Academy of Science. Speaker: former American Ambassador to Hungary, H.E. Mrs April Foley. Title of presentation: "The Importance of Citizen Diplomacy in Hungarian American Relations".
September 3
Grandhouse Tea Session in the home of our members, Sándor Köles and Márta Márczis, host and hostess of the event. Speaker: Mr Zsolt Szekeres, one of the founders and also the treasurer of the Hungarian-American Coalition, based in Washington DC. The title of his presentation: „The Hungarian American Coalition: Building Bridges Between Hungary and the US”.
July 20
Grandhouse Tea Session in the Marriott Hotel. Speaker: Mr Sándor Köles, President of the Carpathian Foundation. Title of presentation: "Ukraine behind the News of the War - on-the-ground analysis and report on PASS USA's three humanitarian missions in 2022-23".
June 19
Grandhouse Tea Session in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Speaker: the Ambassador of Romania, H.E. Mr Gabriel Șopandă. The title of his presentation: ‘Romania’s Economic Weight in Central-Eastern Europe‘. After the presentation both Ambassador Șopandă and our honorary member, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Géza Jeszenszky will discuss – seated in leather fauteuils – some of the topics from the presentation.
May 25
Grandhouse Garden Party in the home of our members, Charles and Catherine Kovacs, host and hostess of the event. Speaker: Professor Tibor Fabiny. Title of Presentation: "Shakespeare and the period he lived in".
May 17
Grandhouse Tea Session in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Speaker: presentation by Mr William (Willy) Benkő. Title of presentation: ”The Three Skills that will change your life at any age…..”. Speaker introduced by Gábor Patzauer.
April 17
Grandhouse Tea Session in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Speaker: Colonel Douglas Daniel, US Army (Retired). Title of presentation: ‘Leadership and Management Lessons from the Russo-Ukraine War’. Speaker introduced by our member, Judit Hegedűs.
March 16
Grandhouse Lunch in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Speaker: Mr Balázs Bokor, former Ambassador and presently President of the Hungarian Hollywood Council. Title of presentation: ‘Hungarian Roots of Hollywood’. Speaker introduced by our member, Chris Daniels.
December 14
Grandhouse event in the Marriott Hotel with Dr Ákos Horváth, Director General of the Centre for Energy Research, as speaker. Title of the presentation: "The challenges ahead our energy system". Dr Horváth is introduced by our member, Norbert Babcsán.
December 6
Grandhouse event at the CEU with a presentation from Professor Dr Tibor Fabiny, a teacher and researcher at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Budapest. The title of the presentation is: “Burning to Read: The Story of 16th Century English Bible Translations”. The speaker is introduced by our member, János Mátyásfalvi.
The event has been postponed to next year.
November 15
Grandhouse event in the Matild Palace with Professor Dr Ákos Péter Bod as speaker. The title of his presentation: „Stagflation in Hungary. What comes next?”. The speaker is introduced by our member, Charles Kovacs.
October 11
Grandhouse event in the Marriott Hotel with Professor Dr István Gyarmati as speaker. He gave a talk about the war in Ukraine within the wider context of the power rivalry today. The title of his presentation is: „The world today, with special attention to the Russian aggression against Ukraine”. The speaker was introduced by our member, Sándor Köles.
September 21
Grandhouse event in the Marriott Hotel with Mr Balázs Stumpf-Biró as speaker. The title of his presentation: “There's no way out, we're in this together - living in a transforming world”. Mr Stumpf-Biró was introduced by our member, András Krajnyák.
August 31
Grandhouse event at the CEU with Dr Zsombor Jékely, art historian, as speaker. The title of his presentation: „The Museum of Applied Arts in Budapest, a Center of Hungarian Art Nouveau”. Dr Jékely was introduced by our member, Alex Leonas.
June 15
Grandhouse event with Dr Norbert Babcsán as speaker. Title of his presentation: „The basics of nano technology and the revolutionary applications in nearly every sector of industry and science”.
May 4
A Grandhouse lunch was held again in the Matild Palace on Wednesday, May 4, 2022 with speaker the Former Prime Minister, Dr Péter Medgyessy. The title of his presentation: „Hungary today and possibly tomorrow”.
April 12
The Grandhouse International Club together with the Embassy of Ukraine in Hungary organised a fundraising event for the Ukrainian victims of the war in Ukraine. The event took place in the garden/terrace of the Ukrainian Embassy on Tuesday, April 12 at 4.00 pm. Ambassador of Ukraine, Ms. Liubov Nepop, gave a speech on the present state of affairs in Ukraine, followed by questions from the audience.
March 24
Grandhouse lunch in the Matild Palace with the hotel’s General Manager, Mr Emre Pasli, as our guest-speaker. Presentation and lunch to be a „creative journey”.
February 23
A Grandhouse Online Event with speaker: Ms Caroline de Gruyter, Dutch writer, correspondent and collumnist. The title of her presentation: „Habsburg lessons for today’s Europe”.
January 26
Grandhouse New Year’s Cocktail Party in the Academy Club.
November 26
Grandhouse lunch in the beautifully renovated Matild Hotel. Our speaker being Mr Dale András Martin, recently retired CEO of the Siemens Group in Hungary and presently President of EELISA, a consortium of 9 technical universities in seven European countries. The title of his presentation is: ‘Industry & Universities: what one can learn from a good example’.
October 30
Grandhouse Cocktail Party in the Károlyi Castle in Fót, by the courtesy of Count and Countess László Károlyi and the Károlyi Foundation. Mr Benedek Varga, former Director General of the Hungarian National Museum and since two months Director of the HNM Semmelweis Museum of the History of Medicine, will give a presentation on the replacement of French castle gardens by English style gardens in the 18th and 19th centuries.
September 24
We celebrate our first in-person event after the corona lock downs with a cocktail reception at the Hilton Budapest in their historical lounge and the ruins of the Dominican cloister. Mr Pál Kovács will give a short presentation about the history of the location. Cantor and chorister, Mr Barnabás Hegyi, will sing Gregorian chants.
July 28
Our speaker for this month is Dr Zoltán Pogátsa, a leading Hungarian economist, known for his unconventional economic policies, irrespective of political dogmas and for his courage to state and explain his theories. The title of his presentation: „Best possible economic policies for Hungary, presented by an independent, unconventional economist.”
June 24
The speaker for this month Online Meeting is: Mr János Mező, the Managing Director of Greenpeace Hungary. The title of his presentation is: „Crises as opportunities: how to survive the 21th century?!”.
May 21
An online „Grandhouse Children’s Choral Festival” event with four different children’s choirs from different continents:
Hungarian Radio Childrens’ Choir Hungary
Star Light Choir China
African Children’s Choir Uganda
Children’s Choir of Toluca Mexico
The two presenters of the children choirs are:
- Mr Chris Daniels, retired symphony orchestra manager.
- Mr Soma Dinyés, music teacher and conductor of various orchestras.
We are planning to make this a yearly event with a growing number of children’s choirs taking part in real-life and online. The first event on May 21 with four choirs from different continents will be our pilot online project with dreams for annual large international musical events in the future.
The idea for this event is based on a wish to see Grandhouse make a contribution to a better world. We much depend on future generations to keep our planet alive and ourselves healthy. If we could bring children from many countries together in a musical manner, it may foster solidarity, harmony and understanding between them.
Registration: through Dr Albert Royaards at: Enable JavaScript to view protected content.
April 23
„Tokaj Team Tasting” online events worldwide with wine-connoisseur, Mr Gergely Somogyi - https://expertise.tokajtoday.com/ , introducing the participants to the famous Hungarian Tokaj wine, „the King of Wines and the Wine of Kings”.
For this wine tasting following wines are offered:
In Hungary: Degenfeld Furmint-2019; Degenfeld Hárslevelű-2020; Degenfeld Muskat Blanc-2020 and Degenfeld Szamorodni-2017.
In Holland: Degenfeld Furmint dry - 2017; Degenfeld Hárslevelű - 2019; Degenfeld Muskat Blanc - 2019 and Degenfeld Szamarodni Édes - 2017. Dutch importer: www.tokajwijn.nl
In America: Kvaszinger Estate Furmint 2016; Erzsébet Zafír Furmint-Hárslevelű 2018; Erzsébet “Luné” Muscat Blanc 2019; Erzsébet Szamorodni 2016
March 17
A joint online event with DACOR in Washington DC and with two speakers: Ambassador Géza Jeszenszky from Grandhouse and Ambassador Ray Ewing from DACOR with Dr André Goodfriend as moderator. The subject of their presentations: a renewal of the Atlantic Relations. The title of the event is: “The U.S. and Europe: „The View from the Danube and Potomac”.
February 15
The speaker for our second Online Meeting this year will be: Dr Haroon Sheikh. The title of his presentation is: ‘Global affairs – outlook for 2021’. Introduction and moderator for Q. and A. session afterwards by the Ambassador of the Netherlands in Hungary, Mr René van Hell.
January 29
The speaker of our first Online Meeting in 2021 will be: Dr Tamás Borsics. The title of his presentation is: "COVID-19 vaccines: How they protect our body and challenge our minds".
December 11
The speaker for our seventh and last Video Presentation of the year will be: József Péter Martin, the Executive Director of Transparency International Hungary. The title of his presentation is: „Greasing or sanding the wheels?” The impact of corruption to the Hungarian economy and society in comparative perspective.
The subsequent Zoom Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 17 for discussing the questions raised in relation to the video presentation.
December 4
The sixth video presentation is being prepared by our former member, retired Ambassador Gajus Scheltema, with the subject: „The vision from a recently retired diplomat about the near future in America, the European Union and Hungary”.
A follow-up meeting through a Zoom platform on December 10 for discussing the questions raised in relation to the video presentation.
November 19
We have the pleasure to welcome our guest-speaker: Dr József Martin, Executive Director of Transparency International Hungary. The title of his presentation will be: „Greasing or sanding the wheels?” The impact of corruption to the Hungarian economy and society in comparativ perspective. The lunch will be held in the Ball Room of the Duna Palota. All possible precautionary "corona-proof" measures will be taken.
October 29
We have the pleasure to welcome our guest-speaker: Mr Nick Thorpe, a British journalist and documentary filmmaker who is the Central Europe Correspondent for BBC News. The title of his presentation will be: „The Ground Floor: migrants and refugees 2015 – 2020”. The lunch will be held in the Ball Room of the Duna Palota. All possible precautionary "corona-proof" measures will be taken.
September 30
First actual lunch with all possible precautionary "corona-proof" measures in Duna Palota, followed by the Annual General Meeting.
September 19
A Cocktail Party and Lectures will be held in the Károlyi Castle in Fót, by the courtesy of Count and Countess László Károlyi and the Károlyi Foundation. We will have two speakers:
- Professor Dr József Sisa, Scientific Advisor at the Institute of Art History, Research Centre for the Humanities, will focus on the country houses of the Károlyi family.
- Mr Benedek Varga, Director General of the Hungarian National Museum, will concentrate on the replacement of French castle gardens by English style gardens in the 18th and 19th centuries.
July 29
The fifth Grandhouse online meeting will focus on Hungarians living abroad, starting with the about 50.000 Hungarians based in Holland. Live interviews with several Hungarians will be made in Holland to discuss the three main questions:
- why did they leave Hungary and selected the Netherlands to make a living?
- are they happy in the Netherlands? Were expectations fulfilled? What are the pros and what the contras?
- any possibility to permanently return to Hungary and make use of their newly acquired knowledge, experiences and contacts?
June 17
The fourth Grandhouse online meeting was held with Mrs Klára Dobrev, one of the Vice- Presidents of the European Parliament (and wife of former Prime Minister, Ferenc Gyurcsány). The subject of her presentation and of our Q & A afterwards will be: “Future of Europe”.
May 14
Our third Grandhouse online meeting with Mr Marc Dillard, Chargé d'Affaires at the American Embassy. Subject will be: “Personal reflections on the pandemic’s effect on society and the economy”.
April 23
Our second Grandhouse online meeting with three speakers:
- our member, Ambassador René van Hell, with the subject: „Personal views on possible social and economic changes in the Netherlands when the corona virus is behind us”.
- our member, Jan Zweegman and our guest, Dr Tamás Borsics, biologist and researcher will highlight some interesting aspects of the corona virus.
April 2
We had our first Grandhouse online meeting with following guest-speakers:
- our member, Dr Zsolt Kálbori with the subject: „The importance of staying active in this corona period to stimulate the body, its chemicals and the immune system”.
- our guest, Dr György Harmat, retired medical doctor and former Director of the Heim Pál Children Hospital. Subject of his presentation: „present corona situation in Hungary”.
April 14
We have the pleasure to welcome our guest-speaker: Mr Dale András Martin, CEO of Siemens Hungary. UNFORTUNATELY CANCELED BECAUSE OF THE CORONA VIRUS.
March 18
We have the pleasure to welcome our guest-speaker: Dr József Martin, Executive Director of Transparency International Hungary. The title of his presentation will be: „Greasing or sanding the wheels?” The impact of corruption to the economy and society. The lunch will be held in the Gundel Restaurant, Queen Elisabeth Ballroom. UNFORTUNATELY CANCELED BECAUSE OF THE CORONA VIRUS.
March 16
Grandhouse members and their guests are invited by the Mexican Ambassador, Mr. David Nájera Rivas, for a concert of the Budapest Concerto Symphony Orchestra, followed by a Mexican reception/cocktails at the residence of the ambassador at 6.00 pm. UNFORTUNATELY CANCELED BECAUSE OF THE CORONA VIRUS.
February 17
We have the pleasure to welcome our guest-speaker: Mr. Zsolt Zólyomi, the expert perfumer of Hungary. The title of his presentation will be: "The human sense of smell is far more powerful than generally believed". The lunch will be held in the Gundel Restaurant, Queen Elisabeth Ballroom.
January 30
We have the pleasure to welcome as our guest-speaker: H.E. Madame Liubov Nepop, ambassador of Ukraine.
The title of her presentation will be: "From a Ukrainian point of view". The presentation will be held in the Ukrán Udvar Étterem, the only Ukrainian restaurant in Budapest.
November 18
We have the pleasure to welcome as our guest-speaker Mr Ferenc András Kalmár, Ministerial Commissioner Responsible for the Development of the Neighbourhood Policy of Hungary. The subject of his presentation is: „National minorities in Europe. The Hungarian approach”.
October 24
We have the pleasure to welcome as our guest-speaker the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Géza Jeszenszky. The subject of his presentation is: „Hungary’s Lost Friends and Lost Peace Treaties”.
September 26
We have the pleasure to welcome as our guest-speaker the new Minister of Justice, Dr Judit Varga. The subject of the presentation is: “Rule of Law mechanism and proposals in the EU. How to keep the eye on the ball?”
August 14
An evening dinner in the Gundel with a concert afterwards (Gershwin songs).
July 19
We will have the pleasure to welcome as our guest-speaker Dr Orsolya Pacsay-Tomassich, the State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary and responsible for Hungarian Diplomatic Academy and the Stipendium Hungaricum Program. The subject of the presentation is: „Hungary Helps - a special scholarship program : Stipendium Hungaricum”.
June 26
We will have the pleasure to welcome as guest-speaker Mr David Kostelancik, Deputy Head of Mission and Chargé d’Affaires at the Embassy of the United States. The title of his presentation is: „Assessments of the Present American-Hungarian Relationship”.
May 21
We will have the pleasure to welcome as guest-speaker H.E. Ms. Kuni Sato, Ambassador of Japan. The title of her presentation is: „A Japanese Samurai meets Kossúth Lajos: 150 years of Japan-Hungary Relations”.
April 30
We will have the pleasure to welcome our speaker from Holland, dr Maarten Aalders, who will interupt his holidays in Hungary for a causerie at our Grandhouse lunch. Dr Aalders is a historian with a focus on the history of the church in the Netherlands.
The title of his presentation is: „Children trains from Hungary to Holland after first world war”. A story of Dutch hospitality to help about 28.000 Hungarian children. Much of this beautiful support in tragic circumstances has been forgotten and therefore a booklet has been written (in Dutch and Hungarian language) with dr. Aalders en dr. O. Réthelyi as writers, editors and compilers of the many stories from descendents of these children. A fascinating recount of humans helping each other.
April 17
We will have the pleasure to welcome our speaker from Holland, Mr Hans Luyckx, who is visiting Budapest for this very purpose only. Mr Luyckx is board member of IJsfontein, Europe's leading serious gaming company, committee member of Dutch Game Association (DGA) and Dutch Creative Industries (FCI).
The title of his presentation is: „The cultural origins of Dutch design and creativity”.
March 23 – for a good physical exercise, new knowledge and camaraderie
"Art Nouveau Walk” on Saturday, March 23 at 10.00 am
Grandhouse International Club has organized a three hours walk with a guide to admire some „Art Nouveau buildings” in Budapest. We start at 10.00 am from the Hungarian Institute of Geology at Stefánia út 14, 1143 Budapest.
March 14
We will have the pleasure to welcome our speaker, Dr Róbert Pintér, PhD in sociology, Head of Consumer Research at eNET Internet Research & Consulting Ltd. and assistant professor of Department of Information and Communication at the Corvinus University of Budapest.
The title of his presentation is: „Will robots take our jobs? Possible drastic social and economic consequences of artificial intelligence”.
February 27
Finals of the Grandhouse Chess Tournament in D8 Hotel. Peter Biczó and Paul Grocott agreed to a draw and became the Grandhouse co-grandmasters. Douglas Daniel in third place and Zsolt Bárczy in fourth.
Febr. 13
We will have the pleasure to welcome our speaker, Dr Attila Ősi, Head of Department of Paleontology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
This time, we will have a very different topic to our previous ones. Dinosaurs.
The title of Dr Ősi's presentation is: „Discovery of Dinosaurs in Hungary”.
February 4
His Excellency, Mr Juraj Chmiel, Ambassador of the Czech Republic has invited members of Grandhouse and their guests for a „Friendship Celebration” between Grandhouse and the Embassy on Monday, February 4, 2019 at 4.00 pm at the Czech Embassy.
Program for the event as follows:
4.00 pm: concert in the theater of the Embassy with the Czech musicians Jan Vojtek, piano and Zuzana Kohoutova, opera singer.
4.30 pm: Ambassador Chmiel will guide us on a brief tour through the Embassy to show us some very interesting historic items.
5.00 pm: Drinks (Czech beer and wine) with some tidbits in the main salon of the Embassy.
5.00 pm – 6.00 pm: in small groups escorted to basement for visit to the new „Emanuel Zíma exhibition”, where Mr Milan Simko, Head of the Consular Department, will tell us the relevant details.
6.00 pm: End of the celebration, but otherwise continuation of the „Embassy Friendship”.
Different day, different venue. It was time for some changes:
Our next Grandhouse lunch will be held on Thursday, 13th December.
Not only day is different from the usual Wednesday but also venue as the last lunch of the year will be held in the Four Seasons Hotel.
We will have the pleasure to welcome our speaker, H.E. Mr Juraj Schmiel, Ambassador of the Czech Republic. The title of his presentation is: „V4 – pain in the neck or an important voice within EU?” -
2018 is ending soon... On our second last Grandhouse lunch in 2018 we will have the pleasure to welcome our speaker, Mr Balázs Lévai, Co-founder and CEO of Engame Academy. The title of his presentation is: "The brightest students are leaving the country, but will they ever come back?".
Our speaker will be H.E. Madame Elisabeth Ellison-Kramer, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Hungary.
The title of her presentation is: „Priorities of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU”.
On 19th September we will have the pleasure to welcome our speaker, Dr Martin Kahanec, Professor and Head of the School of Public Policy at the Central European University in Budapest.
The title of his presentation is: ''In search of a sustainable migration policy framework: taming or harnessing a lion”?
For this lunch, we - again - apply a different format.
We will have table discussions on the following topic:
„Hate speech. Should this phenomenon, which is worldwide more and more appearing, be banned or accepted under freedom of speech? And if accepted, what are the limits, if any?”
The discussion will be facilitated by Peter Molnár who is inventor and director of the “Hate Speech” Monologues at the Central European University where he was one of the founding researchers of the Center for Media and Communication Studies in 2004.
Our wish is that members and guests will get to know better one another through these thought-provoking discussions
We will have the pleasure to welcome our speaker, Mr Michael O’Sullivan, journalist, writer and art collector.
The title of his presentation is: ''The Last Years of pre-communist Hungary : Patrick Leigh Fermor's journey through Budapest, the Bannat and Transylvania''.For more information about himself and his latest book, see: http://www.danubeinstitute.hu/article/patrick_leigh_fermor_noble_encounters_between_budapest_and_transylvania
Did you miss Mr. O'Sullivan's presentation or you wish to see it again? Please click HERE for the slideshow.
We will have the pleasure to welcome our speaker, Dr. Zsolt Kálbori, Chiropractor and President of the Hungarian Chiropractors’ Association.
The title of his presentation is: „Bad posture - from evolution to devolution. Could chiropractic offer a solution?
In case you missed the June Grandhouse seminar, please click HERE to listen to the full presentation or Dr. Kálbori's.
„The Impact of Strategic Thinking on Diplomacy – Case study”.
This time we will have the priviledge to welcome His Excellency Mr. Péter Szabadhegy, former Ambassador of Hungary accredited to the Court of St James (UK).
We will have the privilege to hold the lunch in the garden of the Danube Commission at Benczúr utca 25. This time not us welcoming the speaker, but the speaker - Mr Petar Margic, the Director General of the Danube Commission - to welcome us. Mr Margic will give a presentation with the title: „Historical facts of the activities of the Danube Commission”.
For background information about the Danube Commission, please see the link: http://www.danubecommission.org/dc/en/danube-commission/ -
Great venue, amazing young artists, wonderful people, this is the only way to summarize the Grandhouse New Year’s Concert in the Bartók Béla Memorial House, on 13th January 2018.
The attendees had the opportunity to welcome the new year with the following impressive musical program:
Alekander Simic (violoncello)
(piano accompaniment: Csabáné Németh)
- J.S.Bach: Suite for Violoncello in G major BWV 1007 - Preludium, Gigue
- Edward Elgar: Salut d'amour
-David Popper: Tarantella Op. 33
Zsuzsanna Csabay – flute
(piano accompaniment: Stephany Karmen Boateng)
- Mozart: Concert for flute in D major I. movement
- J.S.Bach: Polonaise, Doubled, Menuet, Badinerie from the b minor Suite for Orchestra
- Ian Clarke: Hypnosis
Zsolt Megyes – piano
- Liszt: First Legend in E major “St. Francis of Paola walking upon the waves”
- Liszt: Paraphrase on Verdis’ Rigoletto -
We are pleased to inform you that our next lunch's guest speaker will be Professor Dr Tuan Trinh, Associate Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest.
The title of his presentation is: „Bitcoins, crypto currencies and blockchains – an introduction for beginners”.
Professor Dr István Pásztori-Kupán, Professor for Systematic Theology, will be asking us all an important question: „Is there anything Christian about Christmas?”
Table discussions on the following topic: „How do we, as intelligent citizens, keep informed about events in our country and the world in an era where the media is less trusted and there is the belief that news is "fake." Do you think there is such a thing as "fake news?" If so, how do we combat it? What can we as citizens do to promote a more responsible media and a truthful coverage of the facts?” Followed by a presentation "Media freedom - why is it important for countering corruption?" by Mr. József Péter Martin (https://transparency.hu/en/)
The speaker on our next lunch will be Veronika Wynne-Hughes, a young woman who gave up her job as a psychologist to go and sail the world.
She will be sharing with us her interesting and exciting stories, her future plans as well as the psychology behind dreaming big, stepping out of comfort zones, questioning fears and challenging the impossible.
Please click on the below link to see the video of Veronika's presentation at Akadémia Klub:
„Lessons from the 20th Century: Can We Build a Better World?” A presentation by Mr. Sharif István Horthy.
A test-concept of our lunches willl be introduced.
Following topics will be discussed with each of the five tables a different one:
1) Do you agree with the concept of "global citizenship"? What does it mean to you?
2) What does good leadership look like? How do you develop it in yourself or in others?
3) How have values changed as a result of social media? Or have they? What are the benefits and challenges of a more interconnected world?
4) How did the previous generation invest in us and how are we investing in the next generation?
5) How do you define wellness and how do you tend to wellness in your busy life? Do you have strategies for managing stress or wish you did?
We will have the pleasure to welcome our speaker, Dr. Csaba Vadász, Conservation Ranger at the Kiskunság National Park and a specialist in ornithology. The title of his presentation: Great Bustards and "Little Things that run the world" - sustainable land use and nature conservation
„Brexit after the elections” - a great speech given by Mr. John O’Sullivan, President of the Danube Institute
„We dream. We do” -
our speaker is Veronika Pistyur, CEO of Bridge Budapest -
Excursion - Visits to Herend and Pannonhalma
Invitation by the Slovakian Ambassador, Dr Rastislav Kácer, at his residence
"The short past, present situation and the future of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts "-
our speaker is Dr Judit Csanádi, Rector of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts -
Grandhouse Gala in the Four Seasons Hotel - "Predicting the unpredictable: the Brexit and Trump effect upon Europe” - our speaker is Professor Dr János Martonyi, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs
"Why do thrive Hungarian intellectuals while living abroad? Hungarian literature may explain" -
our speaker is Dr István Monok
Club-lunches in 2016 will be held in the Academy Club at Széchenyi tér, in principle on the third Wednesday of each month, i.e.
Christmas Concert and Dinner in Hubay Jenõ Salons, Victoria Hotel.
Billiards competition for "Sportsperson of the Year".
Professor Attila Chikán: "Employment and Emigration Problems in Hungary".
Tennis competition for "Sportsperson of the Year".
Dr Zoltán Bodnár, former Deputy Governor of Central Bank and Associate Professor at ELTE. -
Ambassador of Palestine: "Israel and Palestine - solution within few days".
Tennis Tournament and lunch for Grandhouse and Corps Diplomatique - social event.
Ambassador of Croatia, Mr Gordan Grlic Radman: "Visegrad Four + Croatia + ??? within the EU?".
Five dimensional show of RayMirage in Fészek Artists' Club.
Ambassador of the Netherlands, Mr Gajus Scheltema: "Life after Brexit". Venue: residence of Ambassador.
Dr Edit Inotai: "Hungarian Foreign Policy Towards Europe and the US - two turbulant relations".
Professor Péter Ákos Bod: "Hungarians working abroad......any chance to see them back?". - CV
Professor József Sisa about "History of the MTA Building"
Lunch at "Caprice" with diamond exhibition in words, video and in jewelry showcases
Grand Gala in the Intercontinental Hotel, organized for the Smiling Hospital Foundation
Ms Lourdes Pérez, Senior Advisor in Humanitarian Diplomacy for the Red Cross (CV in English)
Club-lunches in the Academy Club at Széchenyi tér in 2015
Gala Concert and Dinner at Museum of Musicology
Mr Jaap Scholten, Dutch writer (CV and Frankfurt Guide)
Start of Chess Tournament for members (until end of January) -
Ms Montserrat Feixas Vihe, Head of Representation of UNHCR
Squash Tournament for members
Ms Judit Hegedűs and Ms Zsuzsanna Zsohár, both representing Migration Aid
Table-tennis tournament for members and diplomatic corps and their families
Boat-trip with lunch and three volunteers from Migrants Aid as speakers
Professor Dr Árpád Kovács, Chairman of the Fiscal Council of Hungary (CV in English)
Mrs Jane Goodall, world-renowned primatologist, conservationist, ethologist, and UN Messenger of Peace
Dr Péter Medgyessy, Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary
Mr József Péter Martin, Executive Director of Transparency International
Mrs Ágnes Néneth, Chief, Crime Prevention Department at National Police Headquarters
Annual Grand Gala. Speaker: Dr Péter Paczolay, President of the Constitutional Court in Hungary
Professor Tibor Frank, Professor of History at ELTE
Club-lunches in the Academy Club at Széchenyi tér in 2014
Mr Balázs Román, CEO of Budapest Business Journal (BBJ)
Mr André Goodfriend, Chargé d'Affaires at US Embassy
Mr Petar Margic, General Director of the Secretariat of the Danube Commission
No speaker, but "working lunch" for Board and members to discuss future of Grandhouse
Prof. Dr. József Bayer, Rector of the King Sigismund Business School, Budapest
Mr Simon Ingram-Hill, Director British Council, Hungary
Ambassador of Croatia, H.E. Mr Gordan Radman
Ambassador of Macedonia, H.E. Mr Darko Angelov
Gala Dinner at residence of Dutch Ambassador, H.E. Mr Gajus Scheltema
Club-lunches in the Academy Club at Széchenyi tér in 2013
Budapest Strings Chamber Orchestra
Mr. Péter Meckovsky
Mr. Gerard van Berkum and Mr. Ádám Hatvani
Mr. Paul Grocott, Senior Tax-partner with PriceWaterhouseCoopers
Guided tour and concert in the Zoo
H.E. Mr. Kemal Gür, Ambassador of Turkey
Mrs. Noémi Alexa, Managing Director of Transparency International
Presentation by Smiling Hospital Foundation
Mr. Róbert Braun, Partner B & P Consulting
Professor Péter Ákos Bod, Professor at Corvinus University
Mr. György Szabó, CEO of Sanoma Media Budapest