Membership Application
If interested to become a member of the Grandhouse International Club, effective July 2024 Membership Committee will review your applciation sent to the President of the Club, Charles Kovacs, Enable JavaScript to view protected content.. The application should be indicating your wish to become a member and with following information:
- names of the existing member, who supports your membership
- name, e-mail address and postal address
- your confirmation that resignation of membership carries a three months notice and payment of the membership fee for current calendar year will be paid in full.
The President has the final authority to approve or disapprove the membership request and will let the candidate-member know his decision within two weeks after receipt of the application form.
Please see below the membership categories:
Individual Membership:
HUF 40.000 per person. This membership is strictly related to one particular person.
Corporate Membership:
HUF 50.000 for one person
HUF 70.000 for two persons
HUF 90.000 for three persons
Corporate Membership could be used by any person from the same company, embassy or any other particular organisation.
The additional advantage of a Corporate Membership is the 100 % tax-deductibility.
Charles Kovacs
President of the Grandhouse International Club